Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Well it seems like its been a while since my last post, perhaps something a bit lighter will do today.
So we're moving, our little family is leaving St. Vital to become Wolsleyites. It came about quite quickly; as of Friday it was made official and we move in Saturday. In the process of packing and such I've realized just how blessed I truly am. And yes I mean blessed as in financially, which is a concept you will rarely here me talk about accept when I rag on the Prosperity Gospel preachers... which might just be my next post.
But after packing my library of books and several suitcases of clothing and as I type this on a Macbook, it's hard to deny that I have truly been blessed. Or perhaps I'm just greedy. I think however, that it goes far beyond the walls of my apartment and into all of this land. I think our country and many like ours have been blessed by God who decides when powers shall rise and fall.
What are we to do with blessings? Well use them to further the kingdom of God, bless those around us, bless the world, share the love of Christ with the nations, praise the name of YHWH, glorify the God of the nations. Perhaps its time we all take heed of that.

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