Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So the other day at work I heard something that would defy all the worldly logic and all the prosperity teaching that exists. I was walking down the line of people waiting to enter the shelter for the night, men who had been standing there for perhaps an hour by this point. The wind was blowing at a speed beyond measure, or at least it felt that way, the snow was falling, and I was glad I didn't have to wait out in this. As we walked down the line I was talking to some of the guys as I usually do, asking how their days were and such things, often I'll revisit these short conversations once we get people settled inside if it seems like a person could use a listening ear or two.
This time I heard the words that most people don't expect to hear from a man who spends his nights in a shelter... "I am so blessed."
It's hard to comprehend in a world that views success and reward as money and property that someone with none of that would be blessed. So then what can it mean to be blessed? What is blessing? If it's not the things of this world, it must be something much more; something beyond this world.
Sometimes I wish I had more then I do, and then I here something like this and wonder why I even care about these things when there's so much more to strive for; and so much more that Christ has to offer us.

Monday, January 18, 2010

What is a Christian?

What is a Christian?

It would seem that popular belief of what a "Christian" is far from what I would hold as a follower of Christ. Now of course I cannot make claims about the salvation of people I don't know, or even people I do for that matter; their salvation is not in my hands, and perhaps thats a good thing. But what frustrates me is that we allow these people to be the "voice of Christianity" if you will, who are people that not only don't hold views anywhere near most Christians I know, but who down right disgust me.

Now I can handle some disagreement within Christianity, it seems possible that both free will proponents and predestination proponents can join together as the church and still be a voice of light to the nations. Those aren't the things that both, in fact I love dialoguing about such issues. Every Christian believer does not need to hold every view I do, but there's something wrong when a person who claims to be Christian, blatantly go against the very call that we are given to love our neighbours and love God.

What has happened in Haiti is a devastating tragedy that deserves all of our prayers and support. And make no mistake, God is at work there. But not in the way that "Christian" televangelist Pat Robertson rambled about as Haiti and the world were still in shock of the tragedy at hand. If this is new to you, here is a quote from the "leader of the Christian faith" or see the link for the video.

"Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it," he said on Christian Broadcasting Network's "The 700 Club." "They were under the heel of the French. You know, Napoleon III, or whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, we will serve you if you'll get us free from the French. True story"

What a load of mularky. This is the voice that is representing me in the public eyes? How dare he have the disrespect to say sometime that stupid at that time. He claims himself a pastor, and he offers no relief, no care, nothing but some garbage theology that's poorly supported and even less Christian.

These are the people that represent Christianity to the world? I can think of no better reason to strive for a catholic church then to keep chumps like this from leading the voice of Christianity. I'm offended to have this person associated with me, I will do all I can to show the world love and charity. To love me neighbours, even those far from me. I will not let the opinions of a lunatic cloud the work of Christ in the world.

As long as people like this are left unchallenged by the church, we allow the fire against God to be fueled. If we want the world to see what Christianity truly is, it's up to each of us to step up to the plate and show the world exactly what it means to be sanctified and to strive to live as Christ lived.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Examine Sympathy

Well I'm gunna rag on Oswald Chambers again, see citation info from my last post. Let me first say that though it may seem like I'm picking on him there is a lot to be taken from his devotional, and for the most part I'm satisfied with us using it at work. But given a high exposure to a writer, it is only natural that one would run into differences of opinion or belief or what-have-you.

So these quotes come from Dec 20

"We must be willing to examine others as deeply as God examined us"

Impossible. Simply put we cannot, only God knows our every thought, can examine everything that ever happens in our word, deed and mind. I can't even attempt to know someone on that level. I cannot and will not attempt to put myself on par with God himself. I love to get to know people, to hear about there struggles and successes, but the level of God is simply unfathomable knowledge that escapes my capacity.
"If you think you are helping people with your sympathy and understanding, you are a traitor to Jesus Christ"

This one however is the one that true hits me the wrong way hard. I am, according to Chambers here, a traitor to Christ. Not because I sin, not because my fallenness over comes me, but because my ministry is apparently traitorous. I show sympathy for Winnipeg's less fortunate by helping in providing a bed for them for the night, attempting to understand their hardships and offer some sort of relief; often people come in and are asleep within minutes of walking through the doors. I understand that there are limitations to the help we offer, I understand that all will pass on one day from this world to the next, I understand that the only way to true freedom is Christ the Lord. Now it's no secret that the work done by Siloam is in the name of Christ and that all those who are working there hold to Christian faith, but I don't always share the Gospel with everyone comes in. I build relationships with some, I learn about the struggles of some, I get to tell some about the joy of Christ, the hope of Christ; but for some all I can do is demonstrate the love of God an pray that they would one day as why.
Take a read through Luke 10
Perhaps start around 10:25, and ask if sympathy and understanding are shown by the good Samaritan. Are we conclude that what he did was not helpful? Or is it that we are to conclude that Christ himself was advocating treason? I see no other option.

He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” And Jesus said to him, “You go, and do likewise.”

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Sometimes at work we use Oswald Charles' "My Utmost for His Highest" (c) 1992 published by Discovery House Books, for our opening devotions. One day in November, the 20 sticks out but that could be wrong, I came across this statement:
"Sanctification means more then being free from sin. It means the deliberate commitment of myself to the God of my salvation, and being willing to pay whatever it may cost."
What a beautiful definition... of faith. If you read my last post and are now reading this one you may realize that I don't like the misuse of words, it robs them of their true meaning. Faith is a beautiful thing, one that is to be cherished, but it is not synonymous with sanctification. Let's give both these words the power that they hold and not rob ourselves of two unique and amazing parts of our walk with God.
Sanctification is the act of being made holy. The deliberate and gracious acting of the Holy Spirit at work in the life and person of a believer. it is entirely the act of God who is the only one able to make holy that which sin has corrupt. We are to seek God and faith and allow him, if even we do that much, to work in us. We are the recipients of sanctification as a result of the call that God places on us into his grace.
Chambers here defines sanctification as faith, that is incorrect and robs these words of their true meanings respectively.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Opposite of Faith

Sometimes I wish I had more repute in the academic world.
I was unable to attend, but recent there was a lecture serious hosted and lecture by an esteemed faculty, smart people, smarter than I; people with lots of letters beside their names. Now given that I missed it, I cannot and will not comment on the presentation or the arguments, rather on one point which one of my peers took from it; viewed by this peer as the central theme; namely that the opposite of faith is not doubt but certainty.
To that I say, hog-wash. It is simply nonsensical to consider these two concepts opposites. Ask any linguist you can find the two terms cannot be set juxtaposed to one another, it simply does not work. These are two unrelated concepts that are being force into a relationship of opposition. To call certainty the opposite of faith is to call faith the opposite of certainty, well everyone knows that the opposite of certainty is uncertainty, or doubt if you will.
Now I by no means want to imply that the other presented view is correct, that is that doubt is the opposite of faith, for my very logic can be applied to this idea as well. You see both doubt and certainty can exist within faith. Faith neither opposes nor negates either one of these concepts, nor does it require one. Two separate independent concepts cannot be set as opposites.
How dare you limit faith like that.
Faith consists of several things - belief, commitment, action - to name a few and I'm sure there can be argued other aspects of faith but none of these oppose certainty or doubt. The opposite of faith can only be described as faithlessness. Linguistically, logically, theologically, philosophically, it's the only concept that fits.
Faith does not mean certainty that is correct to say, and hope that is the message that was meant to be conveyed; but that does not make them opposites. Fire is not a dog, that does not make them opposites.