Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So the other day at work I heard something that would defy all the worldly logic and all the prosperity teaching that exists. I was walking down the line of people waiting to enter the shelter for the night, men who had been standing there for perhaps an hour by this point. The wind was blowing at a speed beyond measure, or at least it felt that way, the snow was falling, and I was glad I didn't have to wait out in this. As we walked down the line I was talking to some of the guys as I usually do, asking how their days were and such things, often I'll revisit these short conversations once we get people settled inside if it seems like a person could use a listening ear or two.
This time I heard the words that most people don't expect to hear from a man who spends his nights in a shelter... "I am so blessed."
It's hard to comprehend in a world that views success and reward as money and property that someone with none of that would be blessed. So then what can it mean to be blessed? What is blessing? If it's not the things of this world, it must be something much more; something beyond this world.
Sometimes I wish I had more then I do, and then I here something like this and wonder why I even care about these things when there's so much more to strive for; and so much more that Christ has to offer us.


  1. there should be a like button that i could press.

    i had a similar experience once. it was so sweet.

  2. You're absolutely right Brad. I learn so much from people at work.
