It would seem that popular belief of what a "Christian" is far from what I would hold as a follower of Christ. Now of course I cannot make claims about the salvation of people I don't know, or even people I do for that matter; their salvation is not in my hands, and perhaps thats a good thing. But what frustrates me is that we allow these people to be the "voice of Christianity" if you will, who are people that not only don't hold views anywhere near most Christians I know, but who down right disgust me.
Now I can handle some disagreement within Christianity, it seems possible that both free will proponents and predestination proponents can join together as the church and still be a voice of light to the nations. Those aren't the things that both, in fact I love dialoguing about such issues. Every Christian believer does not need to hold every view I do, but there's something wrong when a person who claims to be Christian, blatantly go against the very call that we are given to love our neighbours and love God.
What has happened in Haiti is a devastating tragedy that deserves all of our prayers and support. And make no mistake, God is at work there. But not in the way that "Christian" televangelist Pat Robertson rambled about as Haiti and the world were still in shock of the tragedy at hand. If this is new to you, here is a quote from the "leader of the Christian faith" or see the link for the video.
"Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it," he said on Christian Broadcasting Network's "The 700 Club." "They were under the heel of the French. You know, Napoleon III, or whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, we will serve you if you'll get us free from the French. True story"
What a load of mularky. This is the voice that is representing me in the public eyes? How dare he have the disrespect to say sometime that stupid at that time. He claims himself a pastor, and he offers no relief, no care, nothing but some garbage theology that's poorly supported and even less Christian.
These are the people that represent Christianity to the world? I can think of no better reason to strive for a catholic church then to keep chumps like this from leading the voice of Christianity. I'm offended to have this person associated with me, I will do all I can to show the world love and charity. To love me neighbours, even those far from me. I will not let the opinions of a lunatic cloud the work of Christ in the world.
As long as people like this are left unchallenged by the church, we allow the fire against God to be fueled. If we want the world to see what Christianity truly is, it's up to each of us to step up to the plate and show the world exactly what it means to be sanctified and to strive to live as Christ lived.
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